速報APP / 教育 / Dictate News - Learn English

Dictate News - Learn English


檔案大小:19.1 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 11.4 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Dictate News - Learn English(圖1)-速報App

How to improve listening, learn about new words?

DictateNews is the right app for you.

** With this app you can:

+ Read News

+ Learn new words

+ Listening practices, listen news

** Main features:

Dictate News - Learn English(圖2)-速報App

+ Work offline after first online, only update news when you are online.

+ Include dictionary (available when online)

+ Synonym, antonym (available when online)

Here are some notes to make effective learning:

1. Keep in mind this thing: You are not learning, You are reading Newspaper!

2. Choose News you really like to read and listen.

** Listening Steps:

Dictate News - Learn English(圖3)-速報App

There are two strategies to listening

First way:

1. Listen DictateNews for the first time without reading, try to catch up headlines and announcements.

2. Let's read (speak loudly), look up for new vocabulary if needed.

3. Listen again.

Second way:

1. Listen DictateNews for the first time without reading, try to catch up headlines and announcements.

Dictate News - Learn English(圖4)-速報App

2. Use Shadowing technicque.

A technique called shadowing is a good way to work on your pronunciation, rhythm and intonation. Shadowing is a technique where you practice repeating after the speaker as soon as possible. This is different than a normal listen and repeat technique. Don’t wait and listen to the whole sentence and then repeat. You want to repeat as soon as possible almost at the same time as the speaker.

Dictate News - Learn English(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad